Books, influences and teachers
General thinkers
- Steve Jobs
- Robert Greene
- Jordan Peterson
- Sigmund Freud
- Terence Mckenna
-Ryan Holiday
- Alan Watts
- Genghis Khan
- George Orwell
- Nicollo Machiavelli
- Plato/socrates
- Lex Fridman
Great reads
- The Prince, Nicollo Machiavelli
- 48 laws of power, Robert Greene
- The Laws of human nature, Robert Greene
- 33 strategies of War, Robert Greene
- Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday
- The obstacle is the Way, Ryan Holiday
- Trust me I'm lying: Confessions of a media manipulator, Ryan holiday
- Archetypes of the collective unconcious, Carl Jung
- The rational Male, Rollo Tomassi
- The writers Journey, Christopher Vogler
- A brave new world, Aldous Huxley
- The awakener: the time is now, Sandy Stevenson
- How to use your enemies, Baltasar Gracián
- Meditations, Marcus aurelius
- Alice in wonderland, Lewis Carol
- The Games people play, Eric Bernie
- The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, Charles Duhigg
Leonard Susskind Lectures
Jordan Peterson: Personality Lectures
Jordan Peterson: Maps of meaning Lectures
Prof. Robert Sapolsky: Human Behavioral Science
MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning
MIT RES.9-003 Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course, Summer 2015
Artificial Intelligence Podcast
- The matrix
- Fight Club
- Alice in wonderland
- 1984
- Pulp fiction